Benejam, Lluís

Benejam, Lluís

74 music sheets

Lluís Benejam was born in Barcelona in 1914, he studied at the Conservatori del Gran Teatre del Liceu in his hometown. He always remembered with fondness and admiration the teachings of professors Antoni Bosom, Josep Barberà and Joan Lamote de Grignon, and particularly of P. Antoni Massana, with whom he studied har-mony and composition.
He played the violin and viola in several symphonic and chamber groups. In 1953, he was awarded the Ciutat de Barcelona music prize for the work for string orchestra, Poema.
In 1954, he moved to Ecuador where he founded the country’s National Symphonic Orchestra. He lived there for four years and was the concertino and assistant conductor of this orchestra. In 1958, he moved to the USA and performed as a concertino in the city of Birmingham’s orchestra (Alabama) and as a professor of composition and instrumentation at Birmingham Southern College and University of Montevallo. He recived his master at University of Alabama. He died in Birmingham on 28th March 1968.

Lluís Benejam’s music flows forth from an open and vivacious spirit, susceptible to different influences. His work includes reminiscences of impressionism and jazz, incorporated in a personal way of understanding music: formally clear and with carefully fashioned themes, rhythmically solid sections, naturally shaped melodies, often narrative, and a harmony which evolves from a jazz-impressionistic conception towards polyinterval chords generated by the procedure of added notes and substitutions.
His work is the result of a professional, music-playing career. He wrote for his chord ensembles, which predominate in chamber music. Of the wind instruments, chamber and orchestral works are dedicated to the oboe, the trumpet and the saxophone.
The last 8 years of his life, spent in Birmingham (USA), afforded him a unique opportunity to produce most of his orchestral work, which he grasped. Montevallo University (Alabama) named its music library after Lluís Benejam, in recognition of his artistic work. His manuscripts are stored there.
His entire work is published by Clivis Publicacions of Barcelona.

  • 9,60 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    The treatment that Benejam makes of each member of this family is completely idiomatic, harnesses their respective resources without forcing them and achieves a balance indicative of a deep understanding. These characteristics are present in the Four movements for string quartet, a piece full of both grace and intensity.

    9,60 €
  • 16,50 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    The treatment that Benejam makes of each member of this family is completely idiomatic, harnesses their respective resources without forcing them and achieves a balance indicative of a deep understanding. These characteristics are present in the Four movements for string quartet, a piece full of both grace and intensity.

    16,50 €
  • 13,00 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    Benejam was an excellent violinist and also an excellent composer. It is therefore hardly surprising that the works he dedicated to this instrument are of the most exquisite quality and discernment.

    13,00 €
  • 7,62 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    Benejam was an excellent violinist and also an excellent composer. It is therefore hardly surprising that the works he dedicated to this instrument are of the most exquisite quality and discernment.

    7,62 €
  • 26,52 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    This small piece of less than five minutes is much appropriate for starting of a concert.

    26,52 €
  • 38,00 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    This small piece of less than five minutes is much appropriate for starting of a concert.

    38,00 €
  • 6,00 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    Lluís Benejam dedicated this work to the Quartet Filharmonia (1946-1957) formed by Emilia and Núria Quer, Francesc Paulet and Enric Climent, the latter was also the founder of Clivis Publicacions.  The Filharmonia Quartet performed it in numerous concerts with harpist Rosa Balcells.

    6,00 €
  • 4,90 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    Lluís Benejam dedicated this work to the Quartet Filharmonia (1946-1957) formed by Emilia and Núria Quer, Francesc Paulet and Enric Climent, the latter was also the founder of Clivis Publicacions.  The Filharmonia Quartet performed it in numerous concerts with harpist Rosa Balcells.

    4,90 €
  • 15,71 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    The catalogue of works by Lluís Benejam contains around sixty pieces which include 11 songs for voice and piano with poems from some of the best Catalan poets. Just three of the manuscripts are dated so we can place them at between 1944 and 1949, thus they were very probably among his earliest compositions. However, they already contained many of the very...

    15,71 €
  • 27,00 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    The catalogue of works by Lluís Benejam contains around sixty pieces which include 11 songs for voice and piano with poems from some of the best Catalan poets. Just three of the manuscripts are dated so we can place them at between 1944 and 1949, thus they were very probably among his earliest compositions. However, they already contained many of the very...

    27,00 €
  • 24,00 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Printed

    This version for trumpet and piano of the Concerto for Trumpet and String Orchestra is part of the half dozen or so concert pieces Lluís Benejam composed while in the United States in the 1960s alongside his Concerto for violin, Concerto for saxophone, Concerto for oboeand his two double concertos: one for two pianos and a second for oboe and violin.

    24,00 €
  • 16,80 €

    Author: Benejam, Lluís

    Edition: Digital

    This version for trumpet and piano of the Concerto for Trumpet and String Orchestra is part of the half dozen or so concert pieces Lluís Benejam composed while in the United States in the 1960s alongside his Concerto for violin, Concerto for saxophone, Concerto for oboeand his two double concertos: one for two pianos and a second for oboe and violin.

    16,80 €
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